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using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;

using System.Text;
using System.IO;

namespace controtest
       static byte[] buffer;
       static void Main(string[] args)
           string rst =string.Empty ;
           PartnerWebservice.PartnerServices pa = newPartnerWebservice.PartnerServices();
           string path =System.Configuration.ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings["path"].ToString();//文件的存放目录
           string filename =System.Configuration.ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings["name"].ToString();//文件名称
           Console.WriteLine("ConvertToBinary start at"+DateTime.Now.ToString());
           buffer = ConvertToBinary(path);//将文件转换成byte数组
           int   index = buffer.Length /20971520;//20971520bite就是20M,1*1024*1024*20
           index += buffer.Length % 20971520 == 0 ? 0 : 1;
           bool ifEnd=false;//是否为最后一组
           for (int ii = 0; ii < index; ii++)
               if (ii == index - 1)
                   ifEnd = true;
               Console.WriteLine("ConvertToBinary end at " +DateTime.Now.ToString());
               Console.WriteLine("Trans start at " +DateTime.Now.ToString());
               pa.TransFile(ConvertToBinary(ii, ifEnd),"XXXX.XXX");//分批传输数据,追加到XXXX.XXX文件,如果不存在会自动创建
               Console.WriteLine("Trans end at " + DateTime.Now.ToString());
       public static byte[] ConvertToBinary(string Path)
           FileStream stream = new FileInfo(Path).OpenRead();
           byte[] buffer = new byte[stream.Length];
           Console.WriteLine("The lenght of the file is"+buffer.Length);
           stream.Read(buffer, 0, Convert.ToInt32(stream.Length));
           return buffer;
       public static byte[] ConvertToBinary(int index,boolifEnd)//index是第几批,从0开始这个方法名跟上边那个重名了注意区别,两个方法意义是不一样的,我懒得改了 
           //index = buffer.Length / 20971520;
           //index += buffer.Length % 20971520 == 0 ? 0 : 1;
           byte[] bys;//临时二进制数组,最大20M
           if (ifEnd == false)
               bys = new byte[20971520];
               for (int ii = 20971520 * index; ii < 20971520 *(index + 1); ii++)
                   bys[ii - 20971520 * index] = buffer[ii];
               bys = new byte[buffer.Length - 20971520 * (index )];
               for (int ii = 20971520 * index; ii < buffer.Length;ii++)
                   bys[ii - 20971520 * index] = buffer[ii];

           Console.WriteLine("The length of the current buffer is " +bys.Length);
          return bys;
       public static byte[] ChangeFileToByte(string path)
           FileStream stream = new FileInfo(path).OpenRead();
           byte[] Filebuffer = new byte[stream.Length];
           stream.Read(Filebuffer, 0, Convert.ToInt32(stream.Length));
           return Filebuffer;

 [WebMethod(Description = "TransFile")]
    publicstring  TransFile(byte[] fileBt, stringfileName)
       string rst = "successful";
       if (fileBt.Length == 0)
           return "The length of the File"+fileName +"is 0";
       string filePath =System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["CSVPath"].ToString();  //文件路径

       //FileStream fstream = File.Create(filePath + fileName,fileBt.Length);
       //FileStream fstream = File.AppendAllText(
       FileStream fstream = new FileStream(filePath + fileName,FileMode.Append);
           //MemoryStream m = new MemoryStream(fileBt);
           fstream.Write(fileBt, 0,fileBt.Length);  //二进制转换成文件
           //rst += "\r\n";
           rst += "File Name is:" + fstream.Name + "\r\n";
           rst += "File Lenght is:" + fstream.Length + "\r\n";
           rst += "File Position is:" + fstream.Position  +"\r\n";
       catch (Exception ex)
           rst = ex.ToString();
       StringBuilder sbd = new StringBuilder();
       return sbd.ToString();




using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;

using System.Text;
using System.IO;

namespace controtest
       static void Main(string[] args)
           string rst = string.Empty;
           PartnerWebservice.PartnerServices pa = newPartnerWebservice.PartnerServices();
           string path =System.Configuration.ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings["path"].ToString();
           string filename =System.Configuration.ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings["name"].ToString();
           Console.WriteLine("ConvertToBinary start at " +DateTime.Now.ToString());
           long fileLength = LengthOfFile(path);
           long  countOfPk =fileLength /Convert.ToInt64(20971520);
           countOfPk += fileLength % 20971520 == 0 ? 0 : 1;
           Console.WriteLine("The count of the pakeg is " + countOfPk);
           bool ifEnd = false;
           for (long ii = 0; ii < countOfPk; ii++)
               if (ii == countOfPk - 1)
                   ifEnd = true;
               Console.WriteLine("Trans start at " +DateTime.Now.ToString());
               Console.WriteLine("The index is "+(ii+1)+"/"+countOfPk);
               if (ii == 0)
                   pa.TransFile(ConvertToBinary(ii, ifEnd, fileLength), "test.CSV",true);
                   pa.TransFile(ConvertToBinary(ii, ifEnd, fileLength), "test.CSV",false);
               Console.WriteLine("Trans end at " + DateTime.Now.ToString());

       public static byte[] ConvertToBinary(string Path)
           FileStream stream = new FileInfo(Path).OpenRead();
           byte[] buffer = new byte[stream.Length];
           Console.WriteLine("The lenght of the file is"+buffer.Length);
           stream.Read(buffer, 0, Convert.ToInt32(stream.Length));
           return buffer;
       /// <summary>
       /// 获取文件大小
       /// </summary>
       /// <paramname="path"></param>
       public static  long LengthOfFile(stringpath)
           FileInfo fi = new FileInfo(path);
           return fi.Length;

       public static byte[] ConvertToBinary(long index,bool ifEnd,longfileLenght)

           byte[] bysFile;//临时二进制数组,最大20M
           //index = buffer.Length / 20971520;
           //index += buffer.Length % 20971520 == 0 ? 0 : 1;
           //byte[] bys;//临时二进制数组,最大20M
           if (ifEnd == false)
             bysFile = GetFileBloc(20971520 * index, 20971520);

               bysFile = GetFileBloc(20971520 * index, fileLenght - 20971520 *(index));

           Console.WriteLine("The length of the current buffer is " +bysFile.Length);
           return bysFile;
       public static byte[] ChangeFileToByte(string path)
           FileStream stream = new FileInfo(path).OpenRead();
           byte[] Filebuffer = new byte[stream.Length];
           stream.Read(Filebuffer, 0, Convert.ToInt32(stream.Length));
           return Filebuffer;
       /// <summary>
       /// 获取文件二进制块
       /// </summary>
       /// <paramname="path"></param>
       /// <paramname="byteIndex"></param>
       /// <paramname="length"></param>
       public static byte[] GetFileBloc( long byteIndex, longlength)
           string path =System.Configuration.ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings["path"].ToString();
           FileStream stream = new FileInfo(path).OpenRead();
           stream.Position = byteIndex;
           byte[] Filebuffer = new byte[length];
           stream.Read(Filebuffer,0,Convert.ToInt32( length));
           return Filebuffer;

 [WebMethod(Description = "TransFile")]
    publicstring  TransFile(byte[] fileBt, stringfileName,bool ifCreate)
       string rst = "0";
       if (fileBt.Length == 0)
           return rst ;
       string filePath =System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["CSVPath"].ToString();  //文件路径

       //FileStream fstream = File.Create(filePath + fileName,fileBt.Length);
       //FileStream fstream = File.AppendAllText(
       FileStream fstream;
           fstream = new FileStream(filePath + fileName,FileMode.Create);
           fstream = new FileStream(filePath + fileName, FileMode.Append);
           //MemoryStream m = new MemoryStream(fileBt);
           fstream.Write(fileBt, 0,fileBt.Length);  //二进制转换成文件
           //rst += "\r\n";
           rst = fstream.Length.ToString() ;
       catch (Exception ex)
           rst = ex.ToString();

       return rst;


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