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Oracle Merge into 详细介绍




  MERGE [INTO [schema .] table [t_alias]

  USING [schema .] { table | view | subquery } [t_alias]

  ON ( condition )

  WHEN MATCHED THEN merge_update_clause

  WHEN NOT MATCHED THEN merge_insert_clause;



  MERGE INTO [your table-name] [rename your table here]

  USING ( [write your query here] )[rename your query-sql and using just like a table]

  ON ([conditional expression here] AND [...]...)

  WHEN MATHED THEN [here you can execute some update sql or something else ]

  WHEN NOT MATHED THEN [execute something else here ! ]





  create table fzq1 as select * from fzq where sex=1;


  create table fzq2 as select * from fzq where sex=0;





  merge into fzq1 aa --fzq1表是需要更新的表

  using fzq bb -- 关联表

  on (aa.id=bb.id) --关联条件

  when matched then --匹配关联条件,作更新处理

  update set


  aa.name=bb.name --此处只是说明可以同时更新多个字段。

  when not matched then --不匹配关联条件,作插入处理。如果只是作更新,下面的语句可以省略。

  insert values( bb.id, bb.name, bb.sex,bb.kecheng,bb.chengji);




  merge into fzq1 aa --fzq1表是需要更新的表

  using (select fzq.id,fzq.chengji

  from fzq join fzq2

  on fzq.id=fzq2.id) bb -- 数据集

  on (aa.id=bb.id) --关联条件

  when matched then --匹配关联条件,作更新处理

  update set




  merge into fzq1 aa

  using fzq bb

  on (aa.id=bb.id)

  when matched then

  update set



  ORA-38104: Columns referenced in the ON Clause cannot be updated: "AA"."ID"

  我们不能更新on (aa.id=bb.id)关联条件中的字段*/

  update fzq1

  set id=(select id+1 from fzq where fzq.id=fzq1.id)

  where id in

  (select id from fzq)


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